Studies, Training and Further Education

The training of students is a central task of our department. A particular focus is on the Master's degree course in Psychology: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, which we coordinate. In addition, we teach our subject on the Bachelor's degree course in Psychology. We are also involved in MUNIP - the LMU's training institute for psychological psychotherapists - to transfer current research findings and developments into practice. We also offer further training in special psychotrauma therapy for licensed therapists.

Students in front of the fountain on the Geschwister-Scholl-Platz


M.Sc. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

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You can find comprehensive information about studying psychology on the department's website.


Munich University Institute for Psychotherapy (MUNIP)

The Munich University Institute for Psychotherapy (MUNIP) is the training institute for psychotherapy at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Since September 2016, the institute has been accredited for psychotherapy training with a specialization in behavioural therapy.

Further Education: Special Psychotrauma Therapy

The LMU Munich is once again offering a further training curriculum in special psychotrauma therapy for adults recognized by the German-speaking Society for Psychotraumatology (DeGPT).

It is currently no longer possible to start the current training program (2024/2025).

The program for 25/26 is currently being planned. If you are interested, please contact us at

Organizational management: Dr. Anamaria Semm
Scientific management: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehring

Licensed psychological and medical psychotherapists or psychotherapists at an advanced stage of their training.

The curriculum comprises 7 basic modules (140 units in total) and three in-depth modules, two of which are offered by the LMU (16 units).

The content is based on the current state of the art in the treatment of trauma-related disorders.

At the beginning, theoretical and empirical basics of trauma disorders, in particular post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are taught. The first module also covers the legal aspects that can play a role in therapy with traumatized patients as well as an examination of diagnostics and differential diagnostics.

In the further course of the curriculum, the treatment of trauma-related disorders is presented, including techniques for shaping relationships and activating resources, dealing with strong emotions and emotion regulation, the treatment of acute trauma-related disorders and crisis intervention, the treatment of non-complex PTSD and the treatment of complex trauma-related disorders including dissociative disorders. The focus will be on different variants of cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition, participants will also gain an insight into EMDR, the concept of gentle (resource-oriented) trauma therapy and innovative developments in trauma therapy.

In all modules, the content is taught in a practical manner, in which video and case studies, model role plays by the lecturers and practical exercises in small groups play a central role.

All modules are led by experts in the respective subject areas. In addition, the training group is supervised throughout by Prof. Dr. Thomas Ehring.

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